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Today, reading Little Nemo: Feb 10, Andrew rated it it was amazing. Fans of comic art the world over owe him a debt of gratitude which none of us can ever repay individually. I'd read the high praise that Chris Ware and Art Spiegelman had for Winsor McCay, and reading these comics for the first time, it's hard not to be amazed that they were created in the first decade of the medium--the distance between them and Ware and Spiegelman feels very short. His colors, his imagination, and his optical inventiveness are unrivaled to this day. The most exacting reproduction that can be achieved in re-coloring the original turns into but a garish glimpse of the glory that once was when it's published on slick paper. little nemo in slumberland so many splendid sundays

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Even though the projected images were much larger, the tangible feel, look, and smell of the paper and ink used to produce the book so lovingly have created "instant nostalgia" for me.

Little Nemo in Slumberland So Many Splendid Sundays : Winsor McCay :

McCay's exploitation of the entire newspaper page to produce both stunning, expansive vistas and delicate, detailed miniature images - often on the same page.

My favorite panels are the ones that use varying frame sizes to fit the action or keep the frame size still to liytle the scale of something moving in it--something Ware has really built on in his best work.

little nemo in slumberland so many splendid sundays

De momento, la vuelvo a subir, y espero que al infame Deleted Member lo pise un auto. The sheer joy and exuberance McCay must have felt doing this strip becomes evident in this volume like never before.

Little Nemo in Slumberland So Many Splendid Sundays : Sunday Comics 1905-1910

Peter's book is such an incredible artifact What a difference it makes! I'm going to be the opposite of a trendsetter, so, Nemo is on my baby name list. McCay was the first genius-level artist of the comic strip.

May this be the first of many! But since its debut years ago, it has been all but impossible to view these masterpieces in their original size and colors. Was an American cartoonist and animator, best known for the comic strip Little Nemo begun and the animated cartoon Gertie the Dinosaur Other amazing books published by Sunday Press: This edition is absolutely gorgeous - and big.

Teneagles rated it it was amazing Mar 25, McCay experiments with different arrangements of text and image--relying early on long captions that are a bit difficult to follow, in the strong middle years letting the images drive the story and using rather sparse talk bubbles, and in the late panels using longer talk bubbles to add more details to the plot.

Again, for the first time. Not re-jiggered and touched up and imposed upon a slippery white paper. To be able to linger over these images, absorbing all of the minute details in the drawing and the often amazing subtleties of the coloring, is a luxury I'd never dreamed of.

little nemo in slumberland so many splendid sundays

The story revolves around a boy name Nemo and follows him around in his dreams, accompanied soo the expressive visuals such as the one above. To see this awesome labor of love and of insight into the creativity of Winsor McCay is to know it has to become part of your library and your life.

Enjoy the Sunday morning spoendid shared by millions at the dawn of the last century. Books by Winsor McCay.

Little Nemo in Slumberland: So Many Splendid Sundays by Winsor McCay

Alfredo Sononas rated it it was amazing Feb 08, I'd read the high praise that Chris Ware and Art Spiegelman had for Winsor McCay, and reading these comics for the first time, it's hard not to be amazed that they were created in the first decade of the medium--the distance between them and Ware and Spiegelman feels very short.

Sunday Press produced several more volumes in the broadsheet format devoted to strips like 'Gasoline Alley'; Sammy Harkham used the same format as the basis for sk seventh instalment of his avant garde art-comics anthology 'Kramers Ergot', giving some of the world's most important cartoonists a chance to work in a much larger scale.

This volume slumbrrland of the greatest "Little Nemo in Slumberland" pages from to Little Nemo is among the most beautiful and whimsical comics in history. I love this book. Sep 05, Cmoore rated it it was amazing.

Some of the characters and scenarios were quite inventive and funny. I love owing big books despite the storage iss So far as I know, this is the first book which reprints Winsor McCay's classic comic strip as it first appeared: Review quote "It took only a century, but Winsor McCay's comic-strip masterpiece -magical, surreal, and breathtakingly beautiful - has finally found a home in this oversize limited-edition volume.

Luca rated it really liked it Oct litrle, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

little nemo in slumberland so many splendid sundays

It was the greatest comic strip of its day, perhaps the greatest of all time, acclaimed the world over for its artistic majesty, unbounded imagination, and ground-breaking techniques that helped define a new art form. Oct 23, Nathan rated it it was ok.

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